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In business we can be mislead to think it’s all about tactics and strategy when in fact, there’s something that’s more important and core to it all.

People. Humans. Humanity.

It’s people that decide to buy. And if you serve those people providing value for a fair exchange, you have a business.

Most commonly it’s money that gets exchanged for what you offer. But of course it could be other things provided the exchange is fair, agreeable and a win-win for both parties.

Your business only exists and will only thrive if some people want to exchange something of value for what you offer. So if you want to make $$$ in your business you must get the core of the value you offer sorted and clear.

That is top priority to ensure you have something worth throwing tactics and strategy at. The tactics and strategy will only then truly serve you to grow your business and get what you offer to more people.