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Let’s talk about FREE stuff. Being free is no longer of much value. It’s no longer a hook. It’s no longer enticing.

After all how many pieces of free plastic crap can one take into their home? And how many free ebooks, webinars, downloads can you truly digest and make use of?

Let’s dive more into FREE digital stuff. We’re sold the FREE and we say ‘yes please’ as we give our email so the thing can be delivered to our inbox.

How many of those freebies have then sat in your inbox being totally ignored? For most of us, it’s a LOT.

Or we attempt to consume and make use of but it all becomes overwhelming with mixed messages and the feeling of always needing the next thing.

It fills and overwhelms our inboxes and minds.

Which is why FREE is not so valuable anymore.

Your time is more valuable than consuming something free just because it’s free. And your home doesn’t need more cheap plastic clutter 🤪

AND on the other side as a business owner what can we do instead of or as well as offering free stuff?

Here’s my top 3 thoughts.

1) Remember that many people are happy to bypass free and go straight to BUY if what you offer meets their needs and they are ready. So, be sure to make your offer clearly and often. Don’t lose them in the inbox or the message where you just become another part of the noise and clutter.

2) Focus on the value you offer, your messaging and promotion of your offers and work to get that in front of the right people. Put less focus on free stuff, and more focus on your overall messaging and connecting in the right places to the right people.

3) If you already have a client base, remember it is easier to retain or resell to an existing customer that was happy with their initial purchase. So MAKE SURE YOU DELIVER AND PLEASE YOUR CUSTOMERS and MAKE SURE YOU ARE FOLLOWING UP AND SERVING EXISTING CUSTOMERS with ways to keep buying from you.