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Is the vortex of social media consuming way too much of your precious time and energy? I’ve noticed there are many incredible small business owners overwhelmed by making best use of being here on socials. Is that you?

Whether it’s thinking about how to best use it, judging how you’re using it, checking how others are using it, or just getting stuck in the scroll time and time again. Perhaps it’s taking your time and energy away from actually growing your business, taking care of your customers and doing the work you love.

I get it, I’ve experienced it!

It’s so easy to waste time, to scroll, to get caught in the vortex when you don’t have someone to pull you up and remind you to ‘get back to work’!

And yet… if you’re the boss then it’s your job to manage your time and focus effectively!

So how to make best use of it without only showing up to promote, which ain’t being social at all? and without wasting your precious time and energy?

It requires grounding into your personal and business values, clarity on what you offer and a clear ‘strategy’ around content creation, connection and promotion in regards to social media.

This ultimately gives you clarity and a knowing of what you need to do and when. And then with this clarity the boss in you can guide your time more wisely and for more productive results.